Anti-Sex Trafficking
Mission and Vision
The Anti-Sex Trafficking Ministry at Encounter Church exists to help victims of sex trafficking find freedom, safety, and healing as a tangible expression of God's love. The vision of the ministry is for every child in the Greater Seattle area and throughout the world to live an abundant life in Christ that is free of sexual exploitation and enslavement.
Why Anti-Sex Trafficking?
Every person is created in the image of God and has inherent dignity and worth. Human trafficking is a direct assault of that fact. We must be true to the demands of the Gospel and act justly to root out sexual exploitation, especially of those who are the most vulnerable of all—children.
The average age of a child sex trafficking victim is 15. The children who are the most vulnerable are those in foster care due to their lack of family, emotional relationships, and support. 60% of child sex trafficking victims have a history in the child welfare system, so our effort is deeply connected to the work of our Foster Care Ministry.
GospelWe value God's unconditional love. The good news of what God has done to restore and reconcile our relationship with Him through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is our foundation.
Soul CareWe value intimacy with God. We want to slow down, spend time with God, and let him continually renew our inner-self. We prioritize being over doing.
CommunityWe value living lives rooted in authentic relationships. We believe that being a disciple of Jesus is directly connected to cultivating deep relationships with one another where there is vulnerability, accountability, and shared spiritual disciplines.
JusticeWe value the calling that comes with salvation to seek justice and love mercy as a tangible expression of the Gospel. We seek racial and social justice for all of God's creation, particularly for the most marginalized and powerless in our community and around the world.
SalvationWe value eternal life for people of all nations, tribes, and languages. We value ethnic diversity in our leadership and ministries. Our efforts are aimed at reaching new people, not recycling saved people.

Get Involved
Direct Client Services: Volunteer at Emergency Receiving Centers, Street Outreach, and the REST house.
Non-Direct Client Services: Participate in one-off projects and on-going needs such as facility maintenance, providing meals, hosting events, fundraising, adopting a room, creating hygiene kits, prayer groups.

There are many ways you can join REST in the work of helping victims of sex trafficking, both as an individual or in a group.